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The dark time of the year is almost here, and today I suggest you choose a card based on the fact that it is time for you to let go or what will help you move on. To do this, we use the Healing Light Tarot deck by Christopher Butler.

Think about what pulls you down and does not allow you to move forward. Imagine your fears, anxieties, doubts. Look deep inside yourself and ask do you want to be in this? Are you ready to move forward or do you need time to accept, mourn, and put your fear to rest? Formulate your question or intention, what exactly do you want to receive at the moment: support, hint, or resource. After the question is formulated (exactly or abstractly, it's up to you), look at the 6 cards that are in front of you. Choose the one that resonates the most and open it in the gallery. Look at it. What associations come to you when you look at it? What shadows/fears/doubts rise up in your soul? Is there a way out of the situation? Allow yourself to go a little further beyond the picture on the card. Connect with your roots and kin. Feel the strength and support from your ancestors and take another look at the card. Have new insights and opportunities come to you? If so, write down the answer and stay with it. Allow the healing energies to fill you and your body and shed light during this dark time of the year.

You can read more about Samhain here (only Russian version):

If you need additional transcripts for the cards, write in the comments.

May the Light be with you in this dark time!

P.S. If you want me to make a layout for Samhain, email me to

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